
Grandma’s Oatmeal Cookie Recipe

Today we are cooking up memories and joining up with a few of my blog friends for a Favorite Family Recipe Blog Hop!  Five blogs are participating in the fun and each of us is sharing an old or new Favorite Family Recipe!  We decided to share my Grandma’s Oatmeal Cookie Recipe.   Oatmeal cookies are certainly not the prettiest cookies around, but in my family, they are an absolute favorite!

These cookies always bring such happy memories to me.  When I was growing up and we felt like cookies, my mom would whip up a few batches of these and we always had them at Christmas time.  They never lasted long, which is not surprising since there were 15 of us kids!

This oatmeal cookie recipe is a pretty dry recipe.  If you are making multiple batches at once, like my mom did, it can be difficult to mix.  We use a fork instead of a spoon to mix the batter.  The fork was Mr. Hobby’s idea and it really does work best.

When I got married, Mr. Hobby and I took over making these cookies each Christmas for my family.   We usually make 10 batches, and they still disappear too quickly.

One year my brother asked his wife to make him some of Grandma’s oatmeal cookies, so I gave her the recipe.  Later she told me that my brother said they didn’t turn out the same.   I discovered that she mixed them with a KitchenAid mixer.   I’m sure that was the problem.   These cookies need to be hand mixed just like Grandma used to do.  I’m not sure if my SIL ever made them again.  I’ll have to ask her sometime.

Grandma’s Oatmeal Cookie Recipe:

Preheat oven to 375 degrees


  • 3/4 cup butter
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 beaten eggs


  • 3/4 tsp. baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1-1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour


  • 2 cups of Old Fashion Oats (not the quick oats)
  • Optional:  1/2 cup nuts

Bake for 9-10 minutes

No need to worry about shaping these cookies,  We pinch off a bite size amount and fill an ungreased cookie sheet with them. They hardly spread while cooking, so you can get a lot on one tray.   If you are an oatmeal cookie fan, be warned, they are addictive!  Well, at least to my family they are!

This batch of cookies was baked with love for my Mom.  Every time I make these, I mostly think of her and what an amazing Mom she is.

Shhhhh, don’t tell . . . my son and I ate just a few . . you know. . . to make sure they turned out okay.   And they did.   They always do!

Grandma’s Oatmeal Cookie Recipe

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