The Bold and the Blissful
Gardens that are fortunate to have shade or part sun, have design options for special effects with foliage colors and textures that the full sun gardens envy. It’s imperative to take notice of the high-contrast details from every angle, they’re worth ogling!
This series of photos illustrates some combinations of plants where the bold leaves in all of their drama, meet the delicate, lacy, strappy, exquisite tendrils, fronds, and froth of smaller foliage. Some of the photos are simply pointing out foliage details that ought to be noted!
Gold variegated Yucca on the left and a white variegated Daylily both rise boldly from the fluff of Ajuga flowers in spring.
Hosta is a never-ending source of options for combinations of both striking and delicate in a small area. Small space gardeners rejoice! On the left, this clean white variegated Hosta is paired with fragrant Sarcococca humus. On the right is a blue and gold painted Hosta with a fluffy chartreuse fern. Both design companions highlight each plant’s strength beautifully.
The old-fashioned lace of this fern, Athyrium n. ‘Ghost’ unfurling in front of the seersucker texture of the Hosta in the background is pure composition bliss.
Keeping the color palette bright and yet subtle make it impossible to ignore the fine filigree details of the Fern against the Hosta.